What to Expect from your Acupuncture Treatment
Clients usually keep their clothes on during treatments. Please wear comfortable and loose fitting clothing if possible so I may reach the acupuncture points below the elbows and knees. It is sometimes necessary to treat a client's back; if so, I will provide a gown and carefully drape your body.
Treatment will be most effective and you will be more comfortable if you:
- Eat something within a few hours of your appointment
- Avoid excessive caffeinated beverages before treatment
- Use the bathroom before your treatment
- Plan to move slowly for several hours after treatment (high intensity work-outs, meetings, etc. are best done at another time). If possible, leave time open to rest, nap, or take a walk after your session to allow the treatment to integrate into your system.
Your Treatment
At Wyler Family Acupuncture, I will ask you for details on your response to the last treatment or how you have been since your last visit. I will feel your pulse and look at your tongue, which are diagnostic tools for Oriental medicine. Appropriate acupuncture points will be selected and carefully needled.
I use only sterile, disposable acupuncture needles. I use them only once and then safely dispose of them so there is never any chance of infection. Very thin needles are used, as well as careful insertion technique so the treatment is not painful. When the needle is inserted, you may feel nothing or the slight sensation like a mosquito bite. With the needles in, it is common to feel either a mild dull achy feeling, or possibly little or no sensation.
Most clients get very relaxed with treatment, and many fall asleep. This is your time. Bring your awareness inward, focus on your breath in the area below the navel, and allow yourself to completely relax. I want you to be as comfortable as possible during your treatment, so please feel free to bring ear plugs or headphones if it helps you to relax.
At Wyler Family Acupuncture, I am always nearby and want to hear from you if you are uncomfortable or if you need anything. When you feel your awareness return more to the outer environment, please call me and I will come to remove the needles.
I use only sterile, disposable acupuncture needles. I use them only once and then safely dispose of them so there is never any chance of infection. Very thin needles are used, as well as careful insertion technique so the treatment is not painful. When the needle is inserted, you may feel nothing or the slight sensation like a mosquito bite. With the needles in, it is common to feel either a mild dull achy feeling, or possibly little or no sensation.
Most clients get very relaxed with treatment, and many fall asleep. This is your time. Bring your awareness inward, focus on your breath in the area below the navel, and allow yourself to completely relax. I want you to be as comfortable as possible during your treatment, so please feel free to bring ear plugs or headphones if it helps you to relax.
At Wyler Family Acupuncture, I am always nearby and want to hear from you if you are uncomfortable or if you need anything. When you feel your awareness return more to the outer environment, please call me and I will come to remove the needles.
Acupuncture is most effective when treatments are consistent and frequent. When your symptoms are the worst, I would like to see you two times per week. As you begin to feel better and better, once a week for maintenance is recommended. When you are back to 100%, take a break for a few weeks or longer.
Many of my clients come in every one or two weeks because they know it helps them stay healthy --it is their preferred preventative treatment. Every person is unique, and we all respond differently to treatments. I will go over an individualized treatment plan with you to help you reach your goals and to get the results that you desire. Proper healing takes time, so please be patient with your body. |